How to Programmatically topup ICP Canister

How to topup an ICP Canister Programmatically - Part 1

There are times in your business logic, where you would love your canister to automatically topup itself, maybe use some of its profits, in exchange for cycles. In this Blog i will show you how to do that.

Step 1.

You can create a new project with these command

dfx new auto_topup

In the backend subfolder, your cargo.toml should be similar to the one below

//... other attributes
candid = "0.10"
ic-cdk = "0.15"
ic-cdk-timers = "0.9" # Feel free to remove this dependency if you don't need timers
ic-ledger-types = "0.12.0"
serde = "1"

Step 2

add a module called, this module will contain our types

use candid::{CandidType, Deserialize, Nat, Principal};
use ic_ledger_types::BlockIndex;

pub type NotifyTopUpResult = Result<Nat, NotifyError>;
#[derive(CandidType, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum NotifyError {
    Refunded {
        reason: String,
        block_index: Option<BlockIndex>,
    Other {
        error_code: u64,
        error_message: String,

pub struct NotifyTopUpArg {
    pub block_index: BlockIndex,
    pub canister_id: Principal,

Your should have something similar to this

use candid::{Nat, Principal};
use ic_cdk::{api::canister_balance, call, id};
use ic_ledger_types::{transfer, AccountIdentifier, Memo, Subaccount, Tokens, TransferArgs};
use types::{NotifyTopUpArg, NotifyTopUpResult};
pub static MEMO_TOP_UP_CANISTER: Memo = Memo(1347768404_u64);
mod types;
pub static ICP_TRANSACTION_FEE: Tokens = Tokens::from_e8s(10000);

fn greet(name: String) -> String {
    format!("Hello, {}!", name)

async fn update_func() {
    // After computation and business logic
    let cycles = canister_balance();
    //carry out checks
    if cycles <= 2_000_000_000_000 {
        // using 1 as 1 ICP, must be multiplied by 10^8
        let icp_amount: u64 = 1 * 100_000_000;

pub async fn mint_cycles(amount: Tokens) -> Result<Nat, String> {
    let CMC = Principal::from_text("rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai").unwrap();
    let transfer_args = TransferArgs {
        memo: MEMO_TOP_UP_CANISTER,
        from_subaccount: None,
        to: AccountIdentifier::new(
            &Principal::from_text("rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai").unwrap(), //cycles minting canister ID
        created_at_time: None,

    let block_index = transfer(Principal::from_text("ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai").unwrap(), transfer_args).await.unwrap().map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;

    let topup_args = NotifyTopUpArg {
        canister_id: id()

    let (rslt,): (NotifyTopUpResult,) = call(CMC, "notify_top_up", (topup_args,)).await.unwrap();

    let deposited_cycles = rslt.unwrap();


Code Explanation

In the update_func, after computation and business logic canister_balance is used to check for remaining cycles.

we call on mint_cycles A function used to mint cycles.

Important codes segment to take note of ryjl3-tyaaa-aaaaa-aaaba-cai is NNS Ledger Canister Id

rkp4c-7iaaa-aaaaa-aaaca-cai is NNS Cycles Minting Canister id

transfer function used to transfer tokens from one account to another

call ICP CDK API function used to call another canister method. docs


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About Me

I am Declan, Rust Engineer, specializing in the ICP and Solana Web3 ecosystem. if i resonate with you. follow me on

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See you on the next Part